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Update | APROPOS X WonkComms: Building Dialogues for Policy Change


WonkComms Breakfast Clubs are a series of informal events bringing together think tank comms professionals to discuss issues of common interest and work together to tackle questions like these. This edition, hosted at the Berghof Foundation, will focus on "Building Dialogues for Policy Change" with Natalie Baharav, who will share lessons from the Berghof Foundation’s extensive work in peacebuilding dialogues; and Chiara Roselli, who will discuss APROPOS’ process design work for the Open Europe Dialogue and other initiatives.  ____________

Comms strategies that simply put research content in front of policy audiences don’t work. 

No matter how persuasive your messages and evidence – and how well tailored your comms materials – you can easily miss the mark. Plus you seldom really know whether the message has actually been received, understood and acted on.

Instead, think tanks increasingly choose to build dialogues with their audiences. Spaces to make and shape policies together as a community – making the resulting recommendations more inclusive, innovative and durable.

How can policy communicators help create these spaces? How do we get the right people in the room? How can we design events to create tangible outcomes and progress?

And what role does comms play in supporting high-level policy dialogues?


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